Category: Sidebar


filed under Write page, Sidebar

Categories are fairly simple. You create categories for each blog on your Blog settings->Categories page, then select which category/categories each post will be in. Each post needs to have a "Main" category selected by clicking the radio button. Additi… more »


filed under Write page, Sidebar

The Properties section is kinda silly for the #2 spot in the sidebar. It contains 3 sections, one of which doesn't work, one of which you'll rarely ever use, and the last that I don't even know what it does. Featured post: this checkbox lets you make a… more »

Text Renderers

filed under Write page, Sidebar

Text renderers are really easy! They come from plugins and do stuff to your post content. The checkbox for each renderer is checked or not depending on the plugin's settings. On your Global settings->Plugins page if you click the name of the plugin you w… more »


filed under Write page, Sidebar

The comments section is really easy: for each post you get to decide if people can comment (open), if comments are no longer accepted (closed), or if comments simply aren't part of the post (disabled). If you edit a post and select "disable" any comments… more »