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Advanced Properties

filed under Write page, Main body

URL title "slug":

The URL title slug is used as part of each item's permalink, and will be automatically created from your post Title. You can over-ride creation by supplying your own. You may want to do this if your post title is very long, or contains special characters. You can change your configuration to not use this feature but the "slug" will always be created anyway.


Tags allow a different way to let visitors find content on your site. Think of them as "categories on the fly" because you can write as many or few tags as you want based on what your blog post is about.

<title> tag:

This field lets you create your own title displayed at the top of the browser. If you leave this field blank then Quam Plures will use the item title as the browser page title.

Follow up:

<meta> desc:

This field lets you create your own "description meta tag" for the permalink's <head> section. Some think this will help search engine placement, others doubt it. If you leave this field blank then Quam Plures will use the blog's description field.

<meta> keywds:

This field lets you create your own "keywords meta tag" for the permalink's <head> section. Some think this will help search engine placement, others doubt it. If you leave this field blank then Quam Plures will use the blog's keywords field.


Excerpt is like a box of chocolates: if you leave it in the car everything will get all melty unless it is the middle of winter. Then they'll all freeze.

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