Sample Intro-Main post

filed under Quam Plures Tips

This is the main intro post. It uses post type "Intro-Main" and appears on the homepage only. Your template can make these "intro" posts have a different look, and different features. For example this template does not show the date, the time, tags, or allow any feedback. A different template might have comments possible, or the item itself can have comments disabled.

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Inserted Image post

filed under Quam Plures Tips

This waterfall image was re-sized before uploading, then uploaded using the quick upload feature. Therefore the file name is also the title, alt text, and image caption. You can customize those details and even rename the file when you upload it if you use advanced upload properties, which is discussed in a different post.

This image is floated to the right which is why the text flows alongside and under the image. When you insert an image you can float it right, or left, or have it centered in a <div> if you like. Whatever positioning you choose, you can also choose to have the image's title and caption/description displayed with the image.

This paragraph is dummy text so there is enough text to wrap around the image. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ac tellus nisl; ut bibendum ante. Suspendisse ac odio sit amet nibh ultricies semper at id lorem. Suspendisse faucibus pretium ullamcorper. Nam congue est ut nunc malesuada pellentesque.

Image used compliments of Lee Turner