Sample Intro-Sub post

filed under Quam Plures Tips

This uses post type "Intro-Sub". These show up on any page except the main page that has more than one post and no other "intro" post to display.

Click the "Quam Plures Tips" category for another type of intro post :)

Post contents

filed under Write page, Main body


The Post contents section is the easiest to figure out. Sort of...

Title: This is the title of your post. Pretty easy eh? On your Blog settings->Features page you can make titles optional or not allowed (hide the field). The default for that setting is "required".

Link to url: This one is a little confusing. IF you want to associate a web page with your post you would paste in the URL here. On your Blog settings->URLs page you can tell Quam Plures to link the title to this URL if you provide one. Your template can display it as "Link: what_you_put_in_link-to-url", like in this post for example.

Type: This one is a lot confusing. Most of your posts will use the post type "Post" which is the default, but there are quite a few options. Some of which are probably dumb.

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Images & Attachments

filed under Write page, Main body

This post is about the "Images & Attachments" section of the write page. Images can also be 'inserted' into a post. This entry does not cover that.

Attaching a file to an item (your post) is similar to attaching a file to an email. In Quam Plures if you attach an image it will also be resized if required to fit your template and displayed at the top of your post. You can attach as many images to a post as you like, but all will be displayed at the top of the post.

Attaching an image takes advantage of the fields available when you enable 'advanced upload properties' on the upload page. Each attached image will use the long title and alternative text in the IMG tag, and display the description/caption under the image. That means you can, effectively, write your blog post entries straight from the file manager by uploading and providing a good title, alt text and caption, then selecting your images and choosing the "make multiple posts" option.

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Advanced Properties

filed under Write page, Main body

URL title "slug":

The URL title slug is used as part of each item's permalink, and will be automatically created from your post Title. You can over-ride creation by supplying your own. You may want to do this if your post title is very long, or contains special characters. You can change your configuration to not use this feature but the "slug" will always be created anyway.


Tags allow a different way to let visitors find content on your site. Think of them as "categories on the fly" because you can write as many or few tags as you want based on what your blog post is about.

<title> tag:

This field lets you create your own title displayed at the top of the browser. If you leave this field blank then Quam Plures will use the item title as the browser page title.

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filed under Write page, Sidebar

Categories are fairly simple. You create categories for each blog on your Blog settings->Categories page, then select which category/categories each post will be in.

Each post needs to have a "Main" category selected by clicking the radio button. Additionally you can assign "Extra" categories to a post by clicking the checkbox for each one.

Visitors can use categories to help find content they're into reading.


filed under Write page, Sidebar

The Properties section is kinda silly for the #2 spot in the sidebar. It contains 3 sections, one of which doesn't work, one of which you'll rarely ever use, and the last that I don't even know what it does.

Featured post: this checkbox lets you make a post be "featured", which means it will show up on the top of the main blog page. It isn't supposed to show up in the post flow but it does. It should just go away.

Update / Set issue date: This lets you edit the apparent date of an item. You can set it to "now", or any date and time you choose.

Order: When you figure it out let us know okay?