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Visibility / Sharing

filed under Write page, Sidebar

This section is all about who can see your post, and when, and where.


A published post is visible to everyone who visits your blog. Publishing a post will trigger any pinging you may have enabled, and sets the displayed date and time of the post.


A protected post is only visible to people who are members of the blog the post is in and are logged in. You can use this to share information with a limited audience (blog members) in the usual post flow model. For example you might post about traffic data so your bloggers can react, but do not want that "out there" for all the world to see.

Follow up:


A private post is only visible to the author of the post, which seems silly to me. Why post something for you and only you to see? The only case I can think of for this is when you share a login with your significant other and want to "talk dirty" or post naughty pictures.


This is the default status for a new entry. Saving a draft in Quam Plures is just like saving a draft in many other applications: you start something, save it as a draft, and continue working on it later. When you are ready to publish your draft you should always use the "Publish NOW" button! If you edit the post and change the status it won't store the current date and time, or send out pings.


A deprecated post is deleted from the public side of the blog but not removed from the database. This is useful if you want to keep the information in the post, but it really doesn't need to be out there anymore.


A redirected post is a strange case. Let's say after a while a certain post got so much attention that you decided to create a blog for that topic. You would put the new blog's URL in the "Link to URL" field and change the visibility to 'redirected'. Visitors to the original permalink will now go straight to the content's new home.

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